After another day of driving under drizzly grey skies through soggy Romanian hills, we slunk back into Budapest. It was a worthwhile trip—but our eyes were swimming with steeples from all the church visits and mostly we just felt cold and exhausted.
We’ve just had time to settle back into our routine in Budapest—classes early in the week, exploring in the afternoons, dinner at Professor Smidt’s on Wednesday, a night out on the weekend—and now we jet off for another adventure. Tomorrow morning at 6:30, we pile in a bus headed for Krakow, Poland. I don’t know if I’m prepared for this trip yet. But then again, I don’t know if anything can prepare a person for a walk through Auschwitz or Birkenau. Maybe the only thing I can do is listen and weep a little…and be sure not to forget. I’m sure I will have plenty to share when we get back.
This past weekend, I went to my first real football game—a European soccer match between two Budapest teams. The intensity and uniformity of the home crowd was overwhelmingly awesome--but also quite chilling. It seems that the people of Europe are practiced in mass movements—fascist, nationalist, communist, revolutionary; the slurred screaming from the red-and-black clad mob surpassed the zealous fanaticism of the student section at any Iowa Hawkeye home football game (and that’s hard to beat). I promise a more detailed description and a video link when I get back from Poland.
Until then...thanks for your continual prayers for me.
Peace be with you.
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